Will Galaxy S5 Fans be Disappointed? Doubtful…

October 4, 2013

Google Nexus 5 - Best Smartphone 2014Some new rumors have cropped up this week about the Galaxy S5 by Samsung including one about a new release date, another regarding potential display type and a third rumor about its overall feature set.

Yet another rumor states that anticipated buyers are going to be very, very disappointed with what Samsung actually releases. So let’s get down to business with the newest rumors in the mill today.


Fans Will Be Disappointed? Really?

How could any think that rumor possible? Well, the International Business Times thinks it is possible – and we think it could be true based on what we wrote last time. The rumor that Samsung is dropping the 64-bit processor, Android Kit-Kat and the fingerprint sensor isn’t a new one, and it’s one we talked about already.

So far, while we can see why fans would be disappointed, we don’t think it’ll affect sales much. Simply stated, the hype has increased anticipation for the new device on so much so that we’ve seen people say that they don’t much care what features Galaxy S5 will offer, they just want it released – and now.

Galaxy S5 Display Type

According to a few mainstream media outlets, the Samsung Galaxy S5 will feature a display that is much like that of the Note 3, but other rumors state that the Galaxy S5 will feature a flexible display.

Which one is right?

Either way, it probably wouldn’t matter. While a flexible display would be quite awesome, and would allow users to be harder on the device without breaking it, a display like the one that Note 3 uses is also nice, because it’s crystal clear.

Potential Real Release Date

We got wind of a potential release date for the beginning of 2014 previously, but the latest rumors have te device releasing in April of 2014, which is later than originally anticipated.

In any case, should the later release date rumors be true, those extra months will give Samsung more time to change its mind about the CPU and the mobile operating system it chooses to feature of the Galaxy S5. To us, that means it is more likely that the Galaxy S5 will come with the features promised in earlier rumors.

We’ll still have to wait and see, but each day that passes gets us closer to the truth.


What do you think will happen? Will Samsung lose or keep the rumored features? Let us know in the comments!

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