Breaking The Samsung Galaxy S5
News / November 8, 2011

Can the Samsung Galaxy S5 survive its very first drop on a wooden floor or hard concrete? Besides wanting to know all the details on the processor, RAM memory, camera, or fingerprint scanner, many buyers are interested in the sturdiness of the device as well. Let’s face it; your phone is prone to drop at some point. Here are some helpful details on what will most likely happen when dropping your brand new Samsung for the first time.   Don’t Lose Your Grip   Losing grip of the S5 while holding it pocket-level is likely to create some scratches around the sides of the device. The good news is that the touchscreen will not suffer any damages. Dropping the phone while at head height – which often times occurs when on an actual call – will also not affect the phone’s screen. The same drop test performed on a Samsung S4 device has caused damage to the back panel. The test performed by specialists on the S5 resulted in a direct screen landing and the back cover removal because of the impact with the ground. Dropping the phone while holding it as high as ten feet showed the amazing sturdiness…